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Notes for the Lisbon NATO Summit

English Pages, 19. 11. 2010

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Secretary General, dear colleagues,

Let me say, very briefly, a few words about the topics suggested for this working dinner by the Secretary General.

The Czech Republic has been preparing for a different missile defence system in the past few years but we do support the new NATO organized and NATO controlled missile defense system. We are prepared to take an active part in its development. We are convinced that the NATO run missile defense system is indispensable to maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

We are also in favor of enhancing NATO’s cooperation with Russia in missile defense and in other areas of shared interests. We were pleased that Presidents Obama and Medvedev signed an important disarmament treaty in Prague earlier this year. I welcome the fact that during this summit the NATO-Russia Council is taking place. We are facing the same kinds of security challenges and it is through dialogue and practical cooperation that we can build a greater degree of trust and mutual confidence with Russia. I appreciate this has been one of the priorities for Secretary General Rasmussen. But I have to add one comment. In my country, an ex-communist country, I am concidered as the one who speaks in favour of a rational and pragmatic relationship with Russia. But to hear here too simple and too unqualified statements about partnership with Russia, I think we have to make the arguments stronger and deeper.

Václav Klaus, NATO working dinner, Fiera Internacional de Lisboa, Portugal, November 19, 2010


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